Today is the second day my weight loss plans are haunting me, especially after last night when my husband and I consumed a large extra-buttered popcorn while seeing the move, “Argo.” This was immediately after we had already dined at Taco Bell. Yes, Taco Bell. Not the healthy Cantina selection either, rather I had an Enchirito and three regular taco supremes. I’m frustrated with myself.
Thus, the stranglehold. Wikipedia describes a stranglehold as “a grappling hold that strangles the opponent.” The opponent for me is this unhealthy, habitual lifestyle.
I have added a few more strict steps to my plan. I bought some weight loss shakes. I plan on eating a healthy breakfast and substituting my lunch with a shake. I also ordered four new teas from The Republic of Tea to re-stock my supply: Organic Double Green Matcha Tea, Dream by the Fire Red Tea, Tea of Good Tidings Full Leaf - Limited Edition and Holiday Spiced Plum Green Tea Bags. Lucky me, they threw in six bags of complimentary Red Cherry White Tea! I was never a fan of tea until I discovered The Republic of Tea. The only place I know of stocking this brand is World Market and Nordstrom’s CafĂ© in Santa Barbara. Delicious teas to make anyone a tea lover!
I also am returning to Curves first thing in the morning. My goal is to be at their doors sharply at 6:00 a.m. Monday-Friday. The days I do not get my brisk work out in will be the times I walk, otherwise I plan on also implementing some extra walking in with my dog, especially weekend mornings and evenings.
Lastly, I found a coach/trainer. I will share about her later depending on if she is worth my time. I certainly am open to some encouragement and some butt kicking.
There. I feel better upping the ante. Let’s see where I am one week from now. I do not plan on stepping on a scale, either. I will just know by how my clothes fit and how I am feeling. All I know is I feel disgusted when I look in the mirror!
Want to visit the Minister of Tea at The Republic of Tea?

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